An overview of projects that I put my heart, mind, and passion into…

Project 1

End-to-end redesign of the emergency room experience

Objective - Redesign the emergency room experience to increase patient satisfaction scores across regional hospitals

Responsibilities - Service design, research and strategy, workshop facilitation, service prototyping, pilot program implementation, validation research

Approach - Onsite ethnography was done over the course of six weeks at nine regional ERs with a mix of high and low patient satisfaction scores as well as at competitor ERs in order to understand current processes and patient needs. I co-developed observation guides to use among the 10 person team while onsite in order to see a cohesive view of the different ER spaces. After analysis and synthesis of the findings from ethnography along with market research, concepts were developed blind-tested with consumers before starting prototyping.

After 8 weeks of prototyping with frontline, IT, consumer experience, and leadership stakeholders through bodystorming and cocreation workshops, we developed a pilot playbook to be used for implementation that guided the pilot work at a high-volume ER.

Developing and assembling the pilot playbook for implementation with the leadership team

Project 2

Designing a supportive care program centered around the family

Objective - Develop a scalable supportive care program through understanding patient, family, and care team needs in end-of-life planning.

Responsibilities - Research planning & moderating, research analysis and synthesis, opportunity development, workshop design & facilitation, report presentation to stakeholders

Approach - This project was sponsored by hospital leadership and led by the hospital innovation lab to discover and address the needs of patients and their family caregivers toward end-of-life care.

During the discovery phase I developed guides and moderated discussions with internal hospital staff in high-acuity units to learn current state processes for end-of-life conversations. I also co-moderated interviews with family caregivers who had been the primary decision maker for a loved one during end-of-life. This initial research uncovered key pain points in the experience that led to a lack of empowerment for families in crucial decision-making moments.

I presented the insights along with opportunities and recommendations to the sponsoring team and staff and then designed and co-facilitated the virtual workshop with these stakeholders to co-create solutions.

Card sorting activities in-unit with nurses and physicians to understand current practices for end-of-life care

Card sorting activities in-unit with nurses and physicians to understand current practices for end-of-life care
Card sorting activities in-unit with nurses and physicians to understand current practices for end-of-life care

Virtual workshop with stakeholders to co-create solutions based on the opportunities.

Virtual workshop with stakeholders to co-create solutions based on the opportunities.

Additional presentation with leadership to recommend next steps after cocreation workshop

Additional presentation with leadership to recommend next steps after cocreation workshop

Opportunity map developed from caregiver and staff insights

Opportunity map developed from caregiver and staff insights

Structure and activities to guide the 3.5 hour virtual cocreation workshop

Project 3

Improving nurse retention through childcare benefits

Objective - Develop and validate childcare benefits concepts to improve nurse attraction and retention

Responsibilities - Research planning & moderating, concept design, research analysis and synthesis, development of recommendations, report presentation to stakeholders

Approach - In an effort to understand the feasibility of an employer-offered childcare benefit, I worked with the leadership team to define the scope for concepts that could be presented to research participants for feedback. The first step was creating and launching a survey at a high-performing hospital to understand the demand for a benefit like this as well as current childcare concerns and ideal solutions.

Based on the survey analysis I developed 6 concepts to present to research participants (mostly clinical roles, with a focus on nursing) for feedback. I moderated 6 mini-groups over a one-week period where participants were asked to rate and then ideate on each concept to make it work for them.

I presented the top three concepts along with modifications and package options discovered from the groups to the leadership team with the recommendation of further concept feasibility studies and a staff validation survey scaled to all regional hospitals to guide implementation. Response from leadership was to work towards scaling across all regional facilities and the corporate level.

Mini-groups with nurses to ideate on benefits concepts

Mini-groups with nurses to ideate on benefits concepts
Focus group analysis and synthesis
Mini-groups with nurses to ideate on benefits concepts

Focus group analysis and synthesis

Project 4

A patient-facing caregiving platform to reduce readmissions

Objective - Discovering insights and solutions to implementing remote patient monitoring systems into different sectors of the healthcare industry.

Responsibilities - Research planning & moderating, concept development, feature prioritization based on insights

Approach - Through a SCADpro alliance we had a diverse group of 10 stakeholders from the healthcare industry and opportunity to facilitate hands-on collaboration with people who rarely have the opportunity to communicate this deeply about their consumer market's needs.

I was responsible for the build out of discussion guides and research strategy to guide my team’s work on this ten-week sprint toward a solution with clear features and market placement. Based on insights from interviews with key stakeholders in the space and end-users, we created a multiple-caregiver platform concept to reduce patient complications and readmission post-procedure.

Key patient insights to guide design

Key patient insights to guide design
The ARC project ecosystem

Patient journey map showing emotional touchpoints in the journey

Patient journey map showing emotional touchpoints in the journey

The ARC project ecosystem